All of our nude life models are sourced through our full trained and experienced stripograms and kissograms. They are all experienced and comfortable with posing either naked or semi-naked with any group of people. And in our experience, life drawing appeals to a whole range of different parties. Some of our clients find that it offers – still something sexy for the hen party but is just that little bit more tasteful than a traditional kissogram or stripograms. Others are more comfortable with perhaps the more passive role of the life model as opposed to a stripograms. But it’s true that most groups find their friends attempts at art a hilarious way to spend an afternoon – and if you’re on a hen weekend then it’s just a great fun way to spend a couple of hours!
To access the choices of life models available in your area please return to the home page and make a search for your area using the ‘male kissograms/stripograms’ search criteria and this will show you your options.
Need to know more? Then send us an enquiry or call us 07771771838